School Counselor -
Richland Springs School
DeeAnna Farris
Sarah Locker
Dual -Credit Advisor
College Credit Courses (Secondary Grade Levels Only)
Students in grades 9–12 have opportunities to earn college credit through the following methods:
Enrollment in courses taught in conjunction and in partnership with Angelo State University and/or other institutions approved by the principal, which may be offered on or off campus;
Enrollment has eligibility requirements and must be approved prior to enrollment in the course. Please see the school counselor for more information. Depending on the student’s grade level and the course, a state-mandated end-of-course assessment may be required for graduation.
It is important to keep in mind that all state universities and colleges will accept credit earned in all dual credit courses taken in high school with the ASU.
RSISD Dual-Credit Local Policy
Memorandums of Understanding

Angelo State Dual Credit Programs
Your Future. Our Commitment.
Get a head start on your college education by taking dual credit classes!
The best part? You don’t even have to leave your high school campus. That’s right. You can earn college credit while taking classes at your high school.
Your Investment
Graduate College Sooner
Start earning college credit early! Doing so will help save you money on tuition and fees by allowing you to complete your degree faster.
Earn Automatic Admission to Angelo State
ASU dual credit students who complete six (6) hours of dual credit with at least a 3.0 GPA are guaranteed acceptance to Angelo State. Once you earn your 6 hours, you’ll receive an email with instructions to apply through a quick and free application.